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Writer's pictureJames Freeman


All my Life I have felt Wise.

Though I have been through times

in which I denied the Truth of Who I Am,

for my whole life, I have felt,

at the core of my Body and Psyche,

the Song of the True Self.

Over time, as more of my Knowledge

has become holistic and refined,

I have essentially eliminated suffering

from my life.

I no longer suffer.

I still experience pain and discomfort,

but I recognize that the theatrics,

of emotional and psychological distortion,

were the root cause of my suffering.

What became clear to me over time

is that as I became coherent in my

beliefs and agreements ~

I would then be able to articulate intent.

Articulation of intent

to me feels like the most prudent

habit to grow in the Psyche.

When you decide the way

in which to orient yourself,

you become the Creator of your Life.

Circumstances be what they may,

but all embodied circumstances change.

Transformation is the modality of Life,

and while you cannot control

all cosmic forces;

you do get to choose how you perceive

and respond to everything in your Life.

If you choose to perceive your Life

as a gift, and respond to it as such,

cosmic forces tend to be inclined

to support you,

because of Who You Truly Are.


One may See

how the articulation

of one’s beliefs and agreements

will lead to clarity

and coherence

with the Song of the True Self.

The Song of the True Self

is an array of harmonically resonant

nodes of Vital Power,

Living Plasma which Sings.

(I subscribe to a lot of Dan Winter’s rhetoric)

There are a number of Beings whose Word

I trust to some degree ~

meaning I don’t claim their assertions

but I do entertain them to the degree

that is empowering and valuable to me. I am working on compiling a Knowledge Directory, full of ReSources from the various Beings that I have studied.

For the most part, however, my Wisdom has been gleaned through

my gradually developed,

and ever-developing,

Tree of Knowledge.

Consider the Tree of Knowledge

to be composed of

every single belief or agreement you hold.

You yourself are growing this Tree

with every agreement you make,

every declaration that you claim.

You decide how you orient yourself,

and to what you attune

your body and psyche.


At this point the Tree of Knowledge

that I have become embodied in,

is Strong enough and Wise enough that

I have decided to make it shareable,

so that all may benefit from my experiences,

and the ways in which I glean Wisdom

from the eternal gift of Life.


My Wisdom is what I am here to share,

and I intend to do that through

every medium that I may master.

There are links to all my work on this page:


This blog is the place where I share

my ongoing circumstances

in relation to the Vital Aesthetic

and my Work in its totality.

More central to the thrust of this site

is the rhetoric articulated within the posts.

In the content of these articles,

I am sharing with you a flow of words

through which the intellect may be able

to attune to the Song of the True Self:

I Know Who I Am in Truth

I Know What I Am in Truth

I Know How I Serve in Truth

I Am Here, I Am Here, I Am Here

and I Am Free.

This is the claim of the True Self

in its purview.

This claim is called an Attunement,

which is a declaration made

by the True Self,

to hold the Body and Psyche

in CoResonance with Their True Song.


Attunements have been around

as long as language.

They serve as a mechanism

for sorting the Psyche and the Body

harmonically ~ again, in CoResonance

with the Song of the True Self.

Affirmations and Decrees are related;

these are forms of what is sometimes

referred to as Word Magic or

The High Speech.

Such titles can be used,

but the point is that language

is an instrument through which

Living Beings may develop coherence.

Coherence is the cause of Realization,

and Realization leads to Actualization.

You don’t need a guru

to become enlightened.

All one must do is Be Who They Truly Are

~ because enlightenment is simply

the natural state of the True Self.

While I only jokingly

call myself enlightened,

(because the word has gathered

many connotations of dogma that I

generally don’t use it self-referentially)

I am also usually cognizant

of Who I Truly Am and can only Be.

I typically don’t have distortion in my Psyche or Body sufficient to hide the feeling, the presence,

of the True Self,

which manifests as Infinitely Intelligent Vitality.

This Intelligent Living Plasma,

this Chi or Prana,

IS what people call God,

and what I Know to Be The True Self.

The True Self is come as you, yes;

as the Man or the Woman

through whom you are embodied.

There is no separation;

however, when one denies the True Self, there may be a sense of separateness,

which often begets fear and limitation.

Fear, separation and limitation,

are all lies ~

born in denial of the True Self.

These stem from misidentification.

The True Self does not feel fear,

Knows Herself to Be of the Whole,

Know Himself to Be Limitless.


So my work, my teaching, is coherence ~

developed through attunement, articulation,

realization and actuallization,

in that order.


1) Tune into the Song of the True Self

(through Attunement)

2) Become coherent through articulation

(of beliefs / agreements, and intention)

3) Realize Who You Truly Are

(hold your body and psyche in the

harmonic resonance of your Knowing)

4) Refine your psyche and mind

to be acclimated to your True Song.

5) Sing Your Song

This is what I refer to as Bliss:

which is the successful conduction of that process

(Attunement, articulation, realization, and actualization.)

In order to carry out that process,

it is helpful to have a strategy.

The strategy I utilize is one

I have developed over the course of my life.

It is the number one tool for me

to sort out my life,

by sorting out my psyche;

So I call it The Psyche Sorting System.

I have a free ebook which will be available soon after this post is published,

in which The Psyche Sorting System

is described in great detail,

and in which there are

numerous worksheets to be copied

and reprinted as needed.

But essentially it’s this:

Sort out your psyche,

articulate all your core beliefs,

and agreements.

Voila, you have a list, or lists.

Now you can go through and

contemplate them.

You can revisit your list of agreements

as often as you like.

It will change over time;

your preferences will change,

your perceptions will change,

you will have new learning,

and new insights which illuminate

deeper innerstanding of the World,

and your Life experience.

The list of agreements is helpful

because it shows you exactly how you

orient yourself in your Life.

From there you may list your intentions.

We’re talking principles, and intent:

Anything you Truly wish to do

in your Life ~ would be on this list.

You can be as vague or detailed as you like

What matters is that you are authentic.

Over time you will find

some of these may drop away

and are sometimes replaced by others.

So, now you have your beliefs, principles,

agreements, and intentions listed out.

These are the bones of your Life;

your principles and intentions

are, at a core, fundamental level:

the Way you Be in the World

Without them, you’re more or less,

a leaf blowing in the breeze ~

which you are free to choose if you like;

however, I found that

when I did not direct my life,

it was very easy for others to direct it for me.

Over time, I ended up doing a lot of things,

for other people,

that I didn’t really want to do.

That was how

I ended up becoming coherent.

I sang other people’s songs

for most of my life,

and all the while suppressed

the song of my heart.

Eventually I ended my suffering,

by singing my own song.

The crystallization of this,

is in the recording of my demo album:


available here:


I am not an expert in anything.

My Knowledge is rather ecclectic,

and quite shallow in most places.

However, I have been gathering jewels

from many different men and women

over the course of my Life.

Jewels of Wisdom which have become

part of my Tree of Knowledge.

What I have done in my studies

is what I call:

Sorting the rhetoric

and extracting the practicum;

because I am a Man of Praxis,

and language is merely a tool.

The True Joy of Life

is to Sing the Songs of the True People;

the Songs of You and I,

The Songs of our ancestors.

The Songs of Who We Are in Truth

What We Are in Truth

How We Serve in Truth;

The Songs which declare, in triumph:

”We are Here! We Are Here! We Are Here!

and We ~ Are ~ Free


Thank you for Being.

Thank you for your Presence.

I am delighted to Be Here With You.

~ Blessings ~

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