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Writer's pictureJames Freeman

Then To Now

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

Greetings, family.

I am grateful for your presence.

Thank you for being.


This post will serve to make it very clear

what I am about in relation to Service;

it will also detail, to some extent,

how this blog came to be,

and its place in the Tree of Service

that I am growing through my Life, and my Work.

Fret not,

I will not be divulging a play-by-play of my Life,

~ not in this post.

I feel that the About page is sufficient

in that regard, for the most part.

However, there will inevitably

be some personal info here;

though I’ll do my utmost to keep

that to a minimum,

and focus on key events.

I am pretty okay at telling stories,

so this shouldn’t be too painful.


Back in my early adulthood,

I was very sick.

I was in total denial

of Who I Truly Am,

therefore my psyche and body

were all sorts of tangled up ~

(not sorted)

Then my kid was conceived.

At that point, I was still working with psychedelics

and some time during gestation,

I had a very powerful mystical experience.

Essentially the higher self made a dramatic appearance

in a way that was jarring and terrifying to the small self;

the small self who had thought they were the real deal.

Everything I believed about the world, my identity, the cosmos,

everything I thought I knew, was brought under the microscope

to be seen for what it was.

Turns out, virtually everything I believed,

or thought I knew,

was not only false,

but a perfect inversion of the Truth

which I have come to Know

through Direct Experience.

So naturally, my whole life fell apart,

because the ground on which I had built it,

was made of salt and sand, so to speak.

It was very turbulent,

because the infrastructure we have built,

the social and cultural frameworks,

the legal system, healthcare, education,

all of it;

is rife with Lies,

because it’s all built on a foundation

of denying the Divine.

The Divine, in the context of my Work,

is Life Itself,

a.k.a. Who We Are In Truth.

In our denial of our True Selves,

we have embraced death,

treating it as an inevitability,

part of Nature;

when in fact,

Nature is Life Itself ~

The Lawful Unfolding of Our Divine Expression,

and all the death we see is our own doing,

due to our rejection of Who We Truly Are.

However ~ humanity has collectively decided

to remember Who We Are In Truth;

some sort of race-wide choice was made

on a vibratory level ~

and since then, it seems as though

the discomfort of denying the Divine

will increase indefinitely,

until we are all In Our Knowing.

I anticipate this will take a maximum of 133 years.

Probably way less.

I bear witness to

this awesome ~ and, at times challenging,

cosmic transformation taking place;

I participate and observe this magnificent unfolding

of our very own glorious Realization,

I tremble in anticipation of the Actualization

which some of us have already begun to dip our toes into.


Okay, back to the story ~

apologies, I get carried away in my excitement

about our awakening, and the world we are building together.


So I was finding out that my personality was total bullshit,

as was the lens I was using to examine and contemplate the world,

the universe, my life and those of all my brothers and sisters.

Naturally I went searching for answers to Who I Truly Am,

and Who We Truly Are,

Where We Are,

What We’re Doing Here,

and so on.

You know,

big questions.

Psychedelics showed me a lot,

but all the plant medicine told me the same thing:

””We can only show you, teach you,

we cannot ~ will not ~ live your Life for you.

If you want to live the Life of the True Self

which we have allowed you to glimpse

through our wisdom and grace;

you must sort out your body and psyche,

so that you may have the capacity

to hold the resonance

of the Song of the True Self.”

The small self wasn’t jazzed about all that,

and it took a few years for me to work through

all the distortion in my body and psyche

which was inhibiting the True Self’s Song

from resonating in my field.

I went to institutional allopathic practitioners,

and institutional counselors,

who essentially thought I was delusional.

That didn’t help much,

except in the way it provided impetus

for me to return to one of my greatest joys in Life:

study and learning.

At that point I was so busy numbing myself

with alcohol, junk “food” and video games

that I had forgotten how delightful it is

to acquire new Knowledge

which can be pragmatically applied to one’s Life.


I studied a lot.

I went down many rabbit-holes.

found a lot of bologna,

quite a bit of hooey,

and a fair amount of poppycock.

Then I found Mark Passio’s seminar

on Natural Law.

Now, Mark Passio is a Man I respect very much.

I don’t watch his show anymore,

but days of his early lectures on Natural Law,

as well as a host of other important topics,

have been beyond valuable to me over the years

in developing a holistic, working innerstanding

of how the universe actually functions.

That’s what Natural Law is:

the Laws which govern the behavior

of Creation.

The simplest example of Natural Law

is the Hermetic Principles.

I did a video on that,

very similar to Mark Passio’s lecture on the same topic.

You can find those here:

Mine ~

Mark Passio’s ~


Once I began to wrap my head around that,

my Life began to change considerably.

I finally had some solid ground to stand on,

and begin laying the foundations of What I Am In Truth,

the Way I Choose To Be ~ Here In This Life.

Everything in my experience, since learning about Natural Law,

has confirmed and qualified the validity of the Hermetic Principles.

Not because I wanted them to, or believed it to be so;

I’m a hard skeptic ever since that fateful night ~ mentioned earlier ~

which shattered my entire perception of reality.

No, I will never again accept a claim just because it seems nice,

or adequate in the absence of greater Knowledge.

Now I won’t accept claims unless I have evidence,

and the evidence of Natural Law is direct experience.

A quick example is the principle of polarity:

Everything is dual.

Everything has its poles.

Everything has its pair of opposites.

Opposites are the identical in nature,

but different in degree.

Extremes meet.

All paradoxes may be reconciled.


You can experience this directly

by experiencing hot and cold water.

Hot and cold are the dual poles of temperature.

They both refer to heat:

hot being the presence of heat, or high temperature,

and cold being the absence of heat, or low temperature.

So they are opposite poles of the same thing:



I encourage you to study Natural Law

if you have not already;

because it will not only prepare you

for all the other Work of mine

that you may partake of ~

but more importantly:

innerstanding Natural Law

will allow you more clarity

about Who You Truly Are,

and how Creation actually works.


When I began to integrate this Knowledge,

I found that the reason it fit so very well is because

our bodies actually have the Laws of Nature

encoded into their very essence.

Who You Truly Are is The Living Law,

and your Body is the crystallized form of You

for Being Here in this Realm.

No one is an exception to these Laws,

so I posit that they are written inside of our hearts,

and through our intuition, coupled with our logic and reason,

we are able to excercise discernment

in regards to morality and prudence.

But ~ as I have come to learn (often the hard way),

we must become coherent,

we must sort ourselves, body and psyche,

in order to hold the resonance,

of the Song of The True Self:

the harmonic resonance cascade

which is itself a pure, divine expression of Natural Law,

sung through the unique, exquisitely beautiful heart you have

at the center of your field.


I took on my first client once I had sorted myself enough

to have become coherent,

and stay coherent,

~ in an Awakened, Realized state ~

when I put in the effort to get myself there.

It was around that time that I wrote my second book:

You’re Not The Boss Of Me:

A Primer For Human Freedom

available here:


Over time, as I worked with more clients,

I developed systems, which have evolved into what I call:

The Psyche Sorting System.

We won’t go into that here,

suffice to say it’s been effective in my Life,

and those of most of my clients who have learned it.


So I’ve written a couple books, now what?

The thing that made the most sense to me at the time

was to make a video series

talking about the content of my second book.

I had no real experience with such a thing,

having only played around with video content creation a little.

So the series is not exactly high-budget,

but it’s got some valuable information in it.

You can check it out here:


During the time I was making that series,

I was going through intense changes in my psyche and body.

It’s only in the past year or so that I’ve felt centered and grounded

in my Knowing of Who I Am In Truth

on a consistent basis ~

Rarely do I start slipping into small self thinking

or emotional patterns these days,

and if it does happen I am quick to catch it and tease out

whatever the distortion or impedence is in my body or psyche.

As I became more Coherent,

it became increasingly clear to me that

I would benefit from a Holistic Life Strategy.

So I fleshed one out,

with a Grand Vision at the center.

That’s the basis for what I teach.

When You Know Who You Are,

You Know What You’re Doing.

That means being articulate about your intentions.

If you don’t decide how to direct your Life,

you are susceptible to letting other people,

or non-people entities, decide the direction of your Life for you.

The True Self Knows What She Truly Intends,

How He Serves In Truth.

For me, what that boils down to

is exactly that: Service ~ Genuinely Helping.

I, like many dear dogs I have met,

just want to be a good boy.

I hunger to be of Service to All Life, and Earth, and Creation,

to the greatest extent I am able.


My books and The FreeMan Show were Labors of Love,

but, having completed them, I felt that I needed a big idea;

the seeds of that idea had been planted over the years,

as I ~ through the challenges and trials of my Life,

through the hellish process of paying off ancestral karmic debt,

healing generational trauma ~ that sort of stuff;

as I did that work, I got a very close up view

of where the systemic problems of our world lie,

and the ways in which we have created those problems

within our very bodies and psyches

by denying who we are.

I decided no more.

I cleaned myself up, and I got very clear with myself

about how I intend to be of Service through my Life.


So now I’m going to tell you about my Vision.

Buckle up, boys and girls.


I intend to build robust community infrastructure,

in alignment with the Laws of Nature,

and in harmony with the ecosystems of Earth.

Because it is my opinion that we must all live together,

cooperatively as a race,

in order to progress into greater levels of Life ~

such as exploring the rest of the Cosmos.

Before any of that can happen,

we need to learn how to live here together

in peace, and alignment with Natural Law.


Basically, by the end of my Life,

I will have worked with many, many people,

from all walks of Life,

to build beautiful, radiant cities full of Love and Vitality,

designed to continue to grow Stronger and Wiser,

Always and Eternally.

Does that sound lofty?

I don’t think so.

I feel that actually,

it floors me how few other people

I see talking about this;

Because through simple logic and reason,

it makes perfect sense to first build True Communities,

first ensure that everyone has their needs met

so that they may be Fit For Service,

then we can focus on other things.

But the Survival of each and every one of us,

so that we may Serve one another,

in mutual, collaborative support,

that has to be priority number one;

everything else can take a back seat.

Given this seemingly grandiose Vision,

I can hear the question:

”Well how you gonna do that?”

and my answer is:







Just like Nature does everything.


When I got very clear about all that,

I began to develop a long-term plan.

Once that plan was coherent,

I wrote my third book,

Common Ground:

A Manual For Building Community

available here:

This blog is the latest (7.27.23) phase of my Grand Master Plan

To Bring Forth My Vision Of True Planetary Community

That’s what this is about.


~ Thank you for your presence ~

~ Blessings ~

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