If you are reading this post,
it means you are interested
in what I am doing;
and for the moment, I have your attention.
I shan’t waste it, for I know
that attention may well be the most
valuable currency in all the universe.
Ever since I was a little boy,
I have been hungry for True Community.
Though it was absent in my circumstances,
I intuitively sensed that such a thing
was not only possible,
but actually essential for True Life.
I’ve gone into extensive detail
about True Community in my book,
Common Ground:
A Manual For Building Community
available here:
For the purpose of this post,
I will simply say that True Community
is an association of Beings in which
the principles of Living Truth are present,
known and active within all its members.
The principles of Living Truth are really just
the principles which are conducive to Life.
In another post I will detail the dichotomy
of Life and Death, because it is relevant;
but here I will say this:
The principles of Life are those which are
conducive to, and supportive of Life.
The principles of Life are eternal, in that
they have always been and always will be,
so long as Life continues to exist
(and we do indeed intend to go on existing).
The principles of Life can be determined
by the elementary logic of sustainability.
Though the word sustainability
has accumulated many social connotations,
here it means perpetual viability.
If a principle is conducive to Life,
then it may stand forever.
I look around at our world, and I see
that in our denial of the Divine,
we have rejected the principles of Life;
for there is nothing sustainable about
the social and cultural systems in place
at large scale today.
Each and every one of them not only
rejects Life ~ principles and intent thereof ~
but is overtly antagonistic to it.
The only groups which are aligned with Life
remain small and with very little, if any support from the large organizations that could nourish them, including governments.
It saddens me greatly that we have
so far removed ourselves
from the very principles which give us Life.
The consequences too, are beyond horrific.
The world over we see how our failure
to acknowledge, respect and align
with Nature and the principles of Life
has led to death and disease,
pollution beyond imagination,
and the destruction of once-pristine ecosystems.
I am not here to be a broken record,
going on and on about the sad state of affairs
which we can all see clearly
anytime we go into a city.
You don’t need me to tell you
what you already know full well
if you simply look around.
I am here instead to talk about solutions;
large scale solutions, yes,
but more importantly what we as individuals
can reasonably and feasibly do in our lives
to affect the emergence of a new world
in which we collectively Know Who We Are.
Thankfully, the decision is already made.
Humanity has collectively
decided to remember Who We Are In Truth.
More importantly than the evidence
of our criminal behavior in denial of the Divine;
I see something else in the world:
I see evidence of our remembering.
While yes, we can clearly see
the foolishness of war,
the gross incompetence of government,
the harm of mindless consumerism
and the rampant, destructive mechanisms
of the industries which feed it...
The consequences themselves
serve as catalysts for change.
Sustainability means viability in perpetuity;
that which is conducive to Life,
may continue indefinitely.
That which rejects Life,
ultimately begets death.
So by their very nature,
these systems of death which we
have surrounded ourselves with,
inherently summon their own termination!
A basic example is peace.
Peace may be chosen and conducted
forever, with no obstruction,
because it is a Living Principle ~ that is:
conducive to and supportive of Life.
Violence, on the other hand,
can only be chosen and conducted
for a limited period of time,
because if continued for long enough,
it will inhibit the very vital forces
required for violence to occur.
So you see, violence brings about
it’s own demise!
Peace is sustainable,
it can be chosen and conducted indefinitely
because it is conducive to Life,
supportive of Life.
Violence is not sustainable,
because at a certain point,
it will suffocate its own means of existence.
It is evident then, that the horrific
consequences of our behavior,
are a blessing in disguise.
By looking around at the destructive nature
of these criminal activities,
it is evident that they are not sustainable.
So rather than rally against them,
I propose that we instead choose Life.
When I first began examining these things,
I, like many others, instinctively cried
and, like many others,
I was utterly dismayed that no one listened.
What has become clear to me
over the past several years
as I have developed clarity and coherence;
is that we are all fundamentally free.
Though we entrench ourselves in contracts
through our denial of Who We Truly Are,
we are all ultimately free,
and ultimately responsible
for our own individual selves.
Every thought, every emotion, every action,
that we agree to, is, finally, our decision.
The culpability and accountability
for our mental, emotional, physical
and spiritual conduct,
rests, at last, in our very own hands.
While I have, in times of overwhelm,
fantasized about magically wishing away
all of the shit we have, over generations, heaped upon ourselves,
I have come to the conclusion
that it has to be this way.
We have to learn our lesson.
And that’s what is happening now.
You can run, but you can’t hide.
We are having ourselves
a good old-fashioned reckoning.
I, like many others,
upon having my eyes opened,
turned away in terror.
I, like many others,
resolved to run ~ fast and far ~ from all of it.
I fantasized about getting rich, and fucking off to the forest,
leaving humanity to its own devices.
That fantasy has been fading,
as I’ve come to terms with the facts:
We are all responsible for this.
Every single one of us has participated.
While it was not us as individuals, perhaps,
who created the governments,
built the factories,
designed the deceptions,
and slayed our brothers;
it was our ancestors.
I resisted it for a long time,
but the truth is,
we must atone for their crimes.
I personally do not believe that we are all
an eternal, individual Soul who has been
in a wide variety of bodies and
lived a wide variety of lives;
rather, I believe that each of us,
is the culmination of our ancestry.
What I mean is that we are the latest,
and greatest, products of our lineage,
and that our ‘past lives’ were actually
those of our ancestors.
The reason that some people recall,
is because all our ancestor memory
is written in our very DNA.
I believe that this perspective
brings our spirituality
to a firmly grounded point.
If we accept that we have inherited
the karmic debt specifically from
our own unique ancestral lineages,
then that’s a great place to start,
because it offers clarity as to why
we might have the proclivities we do,
and why we might have the circumstances
that we have in our lives.
I most definitely did not want
to accept my parent’s karmic debt;
but as I began to awaken,
it was made very clear to me
that the trials I was faced with
were exactly what was appropriate
for me to settle my father’s debts.
My father inherited the debt from his line,
and when he died, what was unsettled
passed to me and the rest of his progeny.
Why am I telling you all of this?
To show that we are all accountable.
This isn’t their fault, whoever ‘they’ might be.
This is our doing.
I propose that it is time for us to stop
pointing fingers ~
at our parents or guardians, at society,
at the church (aka government),
at alleged deities, at our siblings,
at the public school system,
at everyone and everything else;
and start pointing the finger
at ourselves.
Our ancestors may have started this mess,
but we let it continue into our lifetimes.
We’re all culpable.
I, for one, have accepted my share
of the responsibility.
In another post, I’ll explain more in detail,
but essentially, I have spent several years
doing what some call ‘shadow work’;
and while I won’t claim to have
purged all errant thought from my psyche,
I’ve done enough ground work
that I am no longer part of the problem.
Rest assured, this isn’t going to be
a bunch of proselytizing or persuading
you and everyone else to do things my way.
On the contrary, I encourage everyone
to carve out their own destiny,
as we all inevitably do,
whether we’re conscious of it or not.
I do intend to continue sharing my ways,
but with robust explanation for my reasons,
so that you can draw your own conclusions,
conduct your own experiments,
and ultimately decide for yourself:
who and how you be.
~ Thank you for being ~
~ Thank you for your presence ~
~ Blessings ~