Greetings, brothers and sisters;
Welcome back to The Vital Aesthetic
By now, I feel I’ve clearly outlined
my core philosophical leanings,
our current circumstances,
the gist of my Work,
and how this blog came about.
In this post, I intend to present my Vision
in rather vivid detail,
and bring each aspect down to Earth
by explaining how the Work I do now
is conducive to my broader intentions.
This will indeed get somewhat personal,
but I don’t mind.
I feel it’s important that
the apparently banal life I live
is precisely the path I’ve chiseled out
to draw my dreams forward from
the depths of the cosmic void.
There are layers to this post,
and the thrust of my Work as a whole.
In recent years I’ve felt it prudent
to make my work so shareable,
that if I meet an untimely demise,
anyone with the inclination,
could carry out my overall intentions;
because they’re not about me,
they’re about humanity as a whole,
and, further, the Earth, All of Life ~
indeed, All of Creation.
My intentions are not specifically for me,
though my intense, passionate desire
to build True Community
will indeed benefit me
if I live to see its fruition.
I share my Vision because I feel
that it’s a feasible and adequate solution
to all of the challenges we are faced with.
Readers of my books have told me
that the solutions I present are concise
and holistically sound.
It seems rather simple that
building infrastructure to ensure
everyone’s needs are met,
would then allow everyone
the capacity for Service.
Simple incentives for greater Service
such as land, space, materials, etc.
are sufficient for anyone who is capable
to step up and contribute to the whole.
The only reason we are not currently
all working collaboratively
is because we’ve all trained ourselves
according to the parameters
of an artificial environment,
rooted in the denial of the divine.
All it takes is one moment of clarity,
to recognize that if we do indeed wish
to continue to Live,
then we must do so collaboratively,
in harmony with one another,
and with the Earth ~
according to her perfect Laws.
Given everything that I’ve shared,
in this post so far,
and in each of the three prior;
I feel it’s high time I open the door
for you to See as I See.
Imagine a world in which there is no war.
Imagine that humanity has come to realize
the futility of war;
that peaceful negotiations are the only
sustainable means of true resolution.
Imagine that the legacy institutions,
in their corruption and deception,
have been exposed to the extent
that the people of Earth have abandoned
those corrupt, deceptive structures,
favoring the new, emergent systems
which have arisen to facilitate
our Planetary Community.
Imagine that every family who chooses,
may have the title to one hectare of land,
to remain in their stewardship
for as long as their lineage lives,
so that multigenerational homesteads
are cultivated by every family
who chooses to do so.
Imagine cities in which no one is homeless,
no one is hungry,
no one is chronically ill,
no one is destitute,
no one is excluded,
or left behind.
Imagine planetary infrastructure,
life support, transportation, communication,
built in cohesive symbiosis between
different regions, all with the utmost respect
for the Earth and her holistic health.
Imagine the peace and spaciousness
of the lives of the people,
who need not struggle to survive,
but who joyously participate in refining
the various systems which support Life.
Imagine the bliss of humanity
as our wise and vital presence here
elevates our race into new realms
of comprehension ~ allowing us
deep into the mysteries of Nature;
the Wisdom required for travel
throughout the Cosmos,
once we have perfected
our Earthbound brotherhood:
All of Life in cooperative communion.
Imagine the art, poetry, architecture,
and brilliant beauty of design that this
communion will bring forward;
the smiles and laughter of the youth
who fear nothing ~ who Know
that their dreams are supported
by the very people they see every day,
the care so lovingly imbued into every stone
of the buildings in which they live.
Imagine a world in which True Freedom
is Known by All,
in full awareness of Who We Are In Truth.
That is my Vision.
That is what I intend.
If you met me on the street,
and I told you what I have just told you.
It very well might seem silly to you.
But if you felt in your heart,
what I’m sure you felt just now
as you read all of that;
that feeling is proof
that this Vision is Real.
It will take some time
for these intentions to crystallize,
and for the Realm to be informed
by them.
But I give my word,
that they will come to be.
If you live long enough,
you will See as I do;
It will be so.
I’m not into divination,
so make no mistake ~
I don’t know
how everything’s going to shake out.
But I do know that the Vision I described
the Vision which is alive in my heart,
is alive in the hearts of many,
if not all, somewhere, deep down.
I Know this to be so because I See them,
I watch their videos,
listen to their podcasts,
read their blogs.
There are people just like me,
who are further along in the process.
People out there on the land,
building True Community Infrastructure.
Indeed, there are more of us,
every single day.
Eventually, we will make
all the artificial systems ~ obsolete.
If your choice is to:
~ Eke out a meager existence
subservient to a Cult of Death
doing what you’re told by the TV;
sedated, fearful, weak and codependent,
with no sense of purpose or direction,
no real lasting joy or satisfaction,
always seeking pleasure and avoiding pain
at the cost of lasting health.
~ Live in Nature,
working to build sustainable, regenerative,
off-grid, permaculture infrastructure,
establish holistic lawforms,
designing, building and refining
True Community
side-by-side with other people
who share your Principles and Intentions
in vibrant health and mutual support
Knowing Who You Are In Truth
in full awareness of the greater purpose
for everything that you do.
The latter is the obvious winner.
that second choice
has been so occulted,
covered up by celebrity culture,
massive monetary wealth,
indulgence lifestyles,
unnatural luxuries and so on ~
that the path I spoke of has been
quietly hidden by the desperate clamor
of this dying culture, that just wants
to squeeze in a few more sales
before the whole thing collapses.
I encourage you not to buy it.
Because in fact,
what they are selling
is death,
a soulless, virtual existence
Denial of the divine,
a wholesale rejection of True Life.
Instead I invite you to join me
in my quest to build True Community.
Indeed, without collaborators,
I have a long road ahead of me.
According to my calculations,
it would take me about 10 years
to, by myself, save up $100,000 ~
enough to acquire title to some land
and build basic essential infrastructure
(food, water, shelter, power).
That would be enough for one family.
By the same estimates, it would take me
an additional 10 years to save up the capital
to repeat the process.
However, once I’m on the land,
I’ll have much greater capacity for Service;
I can sell my produce,
I can build things,
I can do all kinds of things for money
besides the mundane work I do now.
That projection is based on doing
this same day job for 10 years.
But I’m not really into that idea.
A few months ago, as I worked away
doing the rather physical work that I do
as a general warehouse associate;
I had to really get clear on what the fuck
I was doing working in a warehouse.
I’ve written three books,
I’ve put out a whole educational series
of videos on YouTube,
I’ve got my demo album up now,
I’ve run my own business,
I’ve got skills and Knowledge and Wisdom,
I have a beautiful, exquisite Vision ~
So what’s going on here?
It took me some time to really make peace
with where I’m at with all of this.
The truth is, despite what the New Age
hopium addicts want to believe ~
real change takes time.
A tree does not
grow tall and strong
in a moonth.
It takes a while.
A forest does not
balance out after a fire
in a semana.
It takes a while.
We’re not going to shift the entire polarity
of humanity from where we’re at
to True Health overnight.
It’s going to take a while.
Given that, I’ve found it helpful
to develop my approach
with time frames being very loose.
For example, the 10-years-of-saving
to save 100k is based on current expenses.
Some stuff may be more, some may be less.
I can’t control those variables,
the best thing for me to do instead
is to cultivate a holistic strategy
that is designed to allow for fluidity;
so that volatile variables
do not threaten my approach,
or require me to frequently modify it.
The idea is to have a way of being
that allows you to navigate challenges
no matter how significant they might appear.
For example,
if suddenly a large expense arose,
it would make sense to have some idea
of how to navigate it like:
“I Trust myself to solve problems
by breathing, and calmly assessing
what the actual situation is,
so I can be responsive,
not reactive.”
This is different from trying to figure out
exactly how you might solve
any and every problem you could possibly
ever have for the rest of your life.
(I did that for years ~ not recommended)
Having a sound strategy, or a general idea
of the way that you will intend to feel
is helpful ~ if you intend to feel capable,
healthy, confident, and so on.
As will likely happen often in this blog,
I am reminded of Attunements
and how helpful they are.
The Principle Attunement is
The Claim of The True Self
in Her Purview ~ in His Purview
You may speak it if you choose.
I Know Who I Am In Truth
I Know What I Am In Truth
I Know How I Serve In Truth
I Am Here ~ I Am Here ~ I Am Here
And I Am Free
Then, when you are grounded and centered,
in your Knowing of Who You Are In Truth,
you are more open to receiving the feeling
that is the answer
when you ask the question:
How Does The True Self
feel about this?
That feeling you receive in answer,
is simply your intuition;
and the more you sort out
your body and psyche,
the more Coherent your intuition,
the Song of The True Self ~ becomes.
It’s as though the intuition
is a musical arrangement
sheet music or code
the psyche is the musician,
and the body is the instrument.
Now a musician may play
according to pre-determined song,
practiced verse and chorus;
But they may also play according to
the intuitive faculties ~
that are, indeed, the Voice of the Divine.
You see, The Song Of The True Self
is not the one we think we should play.
On the contrary,
it is the one We Know We Will Play,
and indeed, are Now Playing.
We Are Here. We Are Here. We Are Here.
The idea of working in a warehouse
for 10 years
was not exciting to me.
So I did what I think a lot of people do:
I got on the internet looking for
a quick and easy way out ~
more specifically:
a simple, low-barrier-to-entry job
that would actually pay my bills,
that I could do from home.
I landed on copywriting.
I studied extensively for six weeks,
started some mock projects,
and found that it was just as boring to me
as working in a warehouse.
And it seemed obvious that I would have to invest
quite a bit of my time into the skills
in order to make enough to pay my bills.
I thought to myself:
Why would I invest days of my time
into a field and skills that
give me no joy or satisfaction?
So I started to really consider
what my options are.
I don’t have a degree,
though I have some skills,
including administrative and managerial.
But I’m not really trying to find myself
yet another job that doesn’t resonate
with my Vision.
After some dramatic
psychological theatrics in which I
spent a fair amount of time blatantly
denying Who I Am In Truth
by doing the woe-is-me crybaby stuff
that most of us have done at some point,
I got over it.
I thought to myself,
“There are worse places to be.
I can do this for 10 years;
but I am open to greater opportunities.
And even though I’ve made peace with this,
I’m not resigning myself to it.
This is simply a feasible way for me
to pay my bills, and save up for my dreams;
I can investigate other ways to make money,
this is just the steady, reliable thing for now.
During this time, working at this job,
there is a perfect storm of structure,
wherein I do have some free time,
and if I really, actually intend the Vision
that I espouse and promulgate,
then I can show up for that
by doing my Work sometimes,
instead of only relaxing or consuming.
I can use some of my free time
to Create, as I Truly intend to,
by doing the Inner Work,
going outside and exercising,
writing, playing music, and all the other
ways in which I Serve.”
So I gave myself some space in that way.
I relaxed a lot and settled into the routine.
I’m at peace with my job,
because it is stable and reliable for now,
and it allows me to develop discipline
in a very interesting way.
I work 16 days a moonth,
for 10 hours each day.
So I only have a couple hours
before and after shifts,
and a few hours on my days off,
to attend to my obligations,
and do my real Work.
I can’t afford to spend all my free time watching TV,
masturbating, eating junk food and sedating myself ~
I have a duty to my Self, my kid,
and humanity, to Create.
In the relaxed spaciousness of this
newfound sense of peace with my day job,
inspiration began trickling in.
A plan started to emerge ~
I already had 3 books
and a YouTube series;
as well as a dozen or so
videos on TikTok.
It wasn’t much, but there was
considerable value there.
I looked at my existing published Work
and began to feel genuine excitement
at the Path unfolding before me.
Having done some consulting work,
helping my clients sort out their psyche
and body ~ to become coherent
and form a Holistic Life Strategy;
what I needed was a bridge
so that people can find my Work,
read about it, hear about it,
and book a call with me.
Suddenly, everything I had learned
about marketing became relevant.
Now, you may have noticed
that my writing does not resemble copy.
I purposely have kept copywriting principles
out of my Work.
I’m not trying to persuade you of anything,
I’m simply sharing what I do,
and why it works.
I may not be making millions of dollars
while I write these initial blog posts,
but I am not stressed,
I have no worries or fears, and I don’t suffer.
I may not be a shining example of
exuberant joy all the time,
nor the opulence of contemporary
YouTube millionaires;
but I know Who I Am In Truth
I Know What I Am In Truth
and I Know How I Serve In Truth
I Am Here.
I Am In Peace.
And I Am Free.
Remember that 10 year projection?
That’s from my day job.
But I can make a little more money.
Every time someone buys one of my books,
books a call with me,
or sends me a donation,
that 10 year projection
gets closer to now.
From my studies in marketing,
I learned about sales funnels.
Basically, you have multiple components
of your products or services,
multiple channels through which
people can be ‘funneled’ to the order page,
or the scheduling page,
or the ‘squeeze’ page
(free stuff, like an e-book ~
in exchange for your email address).
Websites, social media, blogs, videos, etc.
So when inspiration struck,
I went ahead and built this website.
There’s links everywhere
to the rest of my Work
whether it’s this blog, my YouTube,
amazon author page ~ wherever people are
looking at my Work,
they can always easily navigate
to the other parts.
If you like this blog,
you can easily go to my YouTube channel,
you can buy my books
or contact me for
Holistic Life Strategy Consulting
So I have a sales funnel.
But it gets more fun ~
As I write more blog posts,
I’m creating soil for new content;
each of these articles is a launch pad
for dozens of future videos, podcasts,
social media posts and so on.
At some point, as I refine all this
and continue to grow the body of my Work
there will be enough income for me to
work less of a day job,
and eventually leave my day job entirely.
In both circumstances,
there will be more space and time
for me to create higher quality content,
take on more clients,
investigate other opportunities,
and collaborate with others
who share my principles and intentions.
That 10 year projection
gets a lot closer to now,
as all this evolves.
Now that I’ve divulged my Vision
in great detail for you,
as well as the way all my Work
is related to and conducive to that Vision,
I have a proposition for you.
If you haven’t already considered
what it is that you
intend to do with your Life,
then I encourage you to do so.
And if you find
that your principles and intentions
are aligned with my own,
as I have so thoroughly described them
in the about me page on my website,
this post, and the three previous,
then perhaps we could work together.
I can be reached via email
I invite collaborators who are Devoted
to Service to All Life, to reach out to me.
I am excited by the prospect
of working with all of you,
because the world we all Truly intend
will come about most rapidly and beautifully,
in conscious, intentional collaboration.
Thank you for Being.
Thank you for your Presence.
~ Blessings ~